Employee Experience

People being the heart of every institution, we know how they make or break operations. From everyday interactions to client purchasing decisions or when they are not happy.

With a 3-step process, enabled to reveal hidden insights you’ll be sure to keep your organisation’s heart healthy and take care of necessary changes that require your attention.


Group Assessments

“Engagement is the emotional commitment an employee has toward their organisation and its goals, resulting in the use of discretionary effort.” – Kevin Kruse

Gain deeper understanding of traits and habits that are or may be holding you back.


Team Analytics

“Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” – Peter Drucker

Determine next steps and decisions after losing a job.


Step 1: Forming Survey Objectives and Purpose

We collaborate with your team to determine focus areas including, leadership, client interactions, individual growth, morale, and work processes to establish a strong foundation for the survey.

Step 2: Questionnaire Design and Survey Launch

Next, we develop a questionnaire that allows individuals to provide honest feedback to assist in determining where to direct your focus. Once everyone is on board, we initiate the survey and promote participation through focus groups.

Step 3: Feedback and Next Steps: Top 3 Key Items/Actions

After analysing data, we identify key areas for improvement to guide transformative actions for Management and help HR focus on the top three areas for initial progress.
Taking care of your most important resource. Your People. Let us help you with your next team check-in.